1/2 Body Spray Tan
Half Body spray tan using Black Magic Spray Tanning products. You choose wether you are wanting the lower or the upper half of your body done.
Black Magic’s DHA is 100% Certified Natural.
Black Magic is a green based solution.
8 Hour and 2 Hour Tans available: 8 Hour DHA gives you a better depth of colour and is also long lasting as it has more time to set into the skin. 2 Hour has DHA rapid which due to the short processing time it doesnt last as long or have the same depth of colour as an 8 hour.
I stock:
Vibe 2, 4, 6hr Tan
Argan 12% 2 Hr Tan
2 Hour Dark
Premium 8 Hr Tan
Half Body spray tan using Black Magic Spray Tanning products. You choose wether you are wanting the lower or the upper half of your body done.
Black Magic’s DHA is 100% Certified Natural.
Black Magic is a green based solution.
8 Hour and 2 Hour Tans available: 8 Hour DHA gives you a better depth of colour and is also long lasting as it has more time to set into the skin. 2 Hour has DHA rapid which due to the short processing time it doesnt last as long or have the same depth of colour as an 8 hour.
I stock:
Vibe 2, 4, 6hr Tan
Argan 12% 2 Hr Tan
2 Hour Dark
Premium 8 Hr Tan

Full Body Spray Tan
Full Body spray tan using Black Magic Spray Tanning products.
Black Magic’s DHA is 100% Certified Natural.
Black Magic is a green based solution. (apart from Vibe which is violet based)
8 Hour and 2 Hour Tans available: 8 Hour DHA gives you a better depth of colour and is also long lasting as it has more time to set into the skin. 2 Hour has DHA rapid which due to the short processing time it doesnt last as long or have the same depth of colour as an 8 hour.
I stock:
Vibe 2, 4, 6hr Tan
Argan 12% 2 Hr Tan
2 Hour Dark
Premium 8 Hr Tan
Full Body spray tan using Black Magic Spray Tanning products.
Black Magic’s DHA is 100% Certified Natural.
Black Magic is a green based solution. (apart from Vibe which is violet based)
8 Hour and 2 Hour Tans available: 8 Hour DHA gives you a better depth of colour and is also long lasting as it has more time to set into the skin. 2 Hour has DHA rapid which due to the short processing time it doesnt last as long or have the same depth of colour as an 8 hour.
I stock:
Vibe 2, 4, 6hr Tan
Argan 12% 2 Hr Tan
2 Hour Dark
Premium 8 Hr Tan